Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Technology in the Classroom

It seems that many of the professional developments that I have gone to lately have been largely focused on technology. I was sitting with our Design Team the other day and we watched the video "A Day Made of Glass" by Corning Incorporated.

I have to admit I was very impressed with all the possiblities of the future. I kept thinking to myself "I want that!!" Afterward, we were asked what we'd do if we were given that technology to be used in our classroom.

In my experience, I've never been afraid of new technology that has been provided by the district. Mainly because I've looked at it from the standpoint of "If I break it, there is someone that can fix it around here." So far, thank goodness, I haven't broken anything yet. Well, I should clarify that I haven't broken anything beyond repair. But I can say the "Help" button is my friend!

This leads me to the point of this blog. Our district is blessed with several great resources that are provided by our district's technology director: Dr. Roland Rios.

He is the author of The CyberBlog...a Technology and Teaching Resource. This blog is fantastic because it is loaded with great websites, tips and "how to's" for the classroom. He sent an email out to us, a while back, about his blog The CyberCafe Blog: Friday Freebie: Fakebook Lets Students Create Fictitious Facebook Accounts for FREE!

I had forgot about Fakebook until it was mentioned during another brainstorming session at that same Design Team meeting. I decided it was time to check this out, because I thought about how cool it would have been to use when I taught 5th grade. Fakebook .

In honor of the upcoming President's Day, I thought I'd check on Abraham Lincoln:

Fakebook is from the Classtools. They have many useful tools for the classroom.

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