Friday, February 10, 2012

Butterfly Life Cycle

This week we made a pasta life cycle in class. I used the pasta that was made with vegetables because of the different colors. The kids really liked it. I also decided to use coffee filters for a couple of reasons. 1.) The glue soaks through easily and the pasta adheres faster and 2.) The round shape reinforces the "cycle" of life.

My Pre-K'rs loved the project!

I put the materials in a coffee filter for each child so that they had their own "kit". The kits included: a leaf, 4 pieces of rice for the eggs, a rotini, shell, and butterfly.

We glued on the pieces as we talked about the cycle.

We then drew the lines between the pieces to complete the cycle and then wrote the words. Of course, they didn't write as neatly as I did but they did a great job.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea. Simple, and makes a really cute end product. Most importantly, it makes the concept "stick" for them!
